Gravesites Of Tasmania



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Convict No78380
Ship Name “Lady Harwood”
Departure Date 26 Mar 1829
Departure Port London
Conduct Record Con 31/42
Indent MM 33/1
Arrival Date 28 July 1829
Description List Con 18/12 Con 23/3
Appropriation List 33/5 Con 27/4

Jonathon Tunbridge was transported for 7 years and arrived on the “Lady Harwood” which made only one trip to Tasmania and carried male convicts only.

He was transported for Larceny and his gaol report stated he had been in custody before.  His hulk report tells us he was put on short allowances four times and had been punished with three lashes and had been corrected with a cane.  

He stated this offence was for stealing a stove and he was tried with William Kidman.

His occupation was listed as a tailor’s boy and he was on 14 years old when he was transported.  

In Tasmania Jonathon married Ann Galt (per Emma Eugenia) 8th Jan 1844 at Spring Bay Tasmania .( Permission to marry Con 52/2 Page 158.) There were only two children born to the marriage John in 1845 and William in 1847.  

Jonathon Tunbridge died 5th March 1904 at his residence Copping and was buried at the Copping Cemetery 7th March 1904.








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Gravesites Of Tasmania, Honouring the past, building understanding.

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