Gravesites Of Tasmania



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Convict Number 81223
Ship Name “Katherine Stewart Forbes”
Departure Port London
Conduct Record Con 31/46
Description List Con 18/10

John Webb arrived in Van Diemen’s Land per ship “Katherine Stewart Forbes” 16 July 1832, having been convicted at Warwick 3 August 1831 of housebreaking and sentenced to transportation for life.  He received a ticket of leave 1 Jan 1840 and a conditional pardon 12 May 1846 (1)

In February 1876 a free pardon for John Webb was received from the Secretary of State for the Home Department after one unsuccessful application.  The Colonial Secretary ( Tasmania ) advising the Governor to re submit the application stated that John Webb had arrived in 1832 when aged 20.  For the last 30 years, he added “Mr Webb has held his conditional pardon free from any stain upon his character, he has brought up and educated a large family in a creditable manner, and several of his children are married to highly respectable citizens, while he himself is proprietor of one of the largest hotels in the city”. (2)

John Webb’s description when he arrived in 1832 stated that he was a cook and house servant aged 20, height 5 ft 5 ½ inches with reddish brown hair and hazel eyes (3)

He applied for permission to marry Clarissa Godson, free in May 1835 (4) and they were married in St. David’s Church by banns 8 June 1835, witnesses being Robert Bell and William Holdship.


Godson William Chiddery, 20 Dec 1835 Trinity Church Hobart

Bryant born 28 Feb 1839 Trinity Church

Edwin  28 May 1841 Trinity Church

Mary 30 Nov 1843   Trinity Church

Alfred 9 June 1846 St. David’s Church Hobart

Clarissa’s death was registered at St. David’s Church Hobart Tasmania 6 April 1848 aged 38

John Webb remarried 5 July 1848 at Bethseda Chapel Hobart Town his second wife being Elizabeth Ballantyne of Hobart Town , widow.  She was probably the widow of Robert Ballantyne who died 20 Feb 1844 and was buried in the Scotch cemetery

Children born were

Rosina Ballantyne 29 June 1849

Emily Alice

Elizabeth must have died shortly after the birth of Emily because John Webb remarried 4 March 1853 Emma Garth (Minor) in the Congregational Church Hobart (5)

John Webb died on 8 Jan 1881 at his residence Webbs’s Hotel Murray Street Hobart in his 67th year. (6) His obituary said that he had been born at Leamington (which is in Warwickshire) 29 May 1814 and had come to Tasmania at an early age.  He was a skilled cook and confectioner who had no equal.

He had built the ‘stately pile which now bears his name and is the locale of the principal balls in the city.  Possessed of a rough exterior, he nevertherless was very charitable to poor people.  He left a widow and several adult children.

1                    Con 31/46

2                    CSO 10/32/503

3                    NS 282/10/30

4                    Con 52/1

5                    NS 650/2

6                    The Mercury 10 January 1881








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Gravesites Of Tasmania, Honouring the past, building understanding.

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