Gravesites Of Tasmania



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Convict Number 82013
Ship Name “Claudine”
Departure Date 20th August 1821
Conduct Record Con 31/45
Muster Roll CSO1/403/9103
Description List Con 23/3

Arrived in Tasmania on the “Claudine”.  Had been tried at Leicester Borough Assizes on the 14th May 1821 where he stated his age as 15.  He was found guilty of Grand Larceny and sentenced to seven years transportation.  His gaol report describes him as a “very dangerous character”

John Wheatley was described as a frame work knitter, height 6 foot 3 inches and aged 15.

He had grey eyes and light brown hair.

His native place was listed as Cork Ireland and he is described as having a scar under his chin and a stickman tattooed on his upper arm.

John Wheatley was granted his freedom on the 24th. October 1828 and on the 27th. November 1828 married Charlotte Kearley at St Mathews Church, New Norfolk.  At that time he stated his age as 26.  They were married by banns and the witnesses were William Gibbins of Black Brush and W.J.Ring.  On the 11th. November 1839 they were granted 50 acres at Brighton called “Strangford” AND seven of their children were born there.








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Gravesites Of Tasmania, Honouring the past, building understanding.

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