Gravesites Of Tasmania



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Thomas was born at Wandsworth, Surrey, in about 1795, and tried at Guildford on 15 August 1816. He was sentenced to seven years transportation, and came to Tasmania on the Almorah in 1817.  

 He was a labourer, five foot two, with brown eyes, black hair and blotches on his face. His record shows him in trouble several times during his penal servitude. In November 1817 he was sentenced to one week's labour with the Gaol gang for neglect of duty. Then in 1819 for being disorderly in church he received the same punishment, and on 21 January 1821 he received 25 lashes for being disorderly and fighting. He was sentenced to Macquarie Harbour for twelve months for stealing a pair of pistols and trying to sell them, an experience guaranteed to knock the fight out of a recalcitrant convict, or destroy him in the process. He was given his freedom on 24 February 1824, so that it was another 18 years before he married Catherine Porter  

In 1848 they were living in a wooden house owned by Thomas Ford, at Little Basin. Catherine died in 1851. In 1852 their youngest son died.  

Thomas was living in Hobart , then comes a long silence until 1879 when he was sentenced at the Hotham Petty Sessions to 6 months in the Melbourne Goal. On 8 May 1879 he was transferred to the Geelong Goal, and was finally released on 23 March 1880.  

His Prison Report described him as 5 feet tall, stout, with hazel eyes and clear complexion. He was called an old and infirm man. It is therefore not surprising that he died in hospital in Melbourne on 26 June 1880, only three months later, aged 89, according to his death certificate. He had been in Victoria 28 years. The cause of death was cancer of the lower jaw and exhaustion. It was a sad and cruel end to a long life.  

They had at least five children.  


Bapt/Christ: 19 July 1842, Baptised - St Matthew's, New Norfolk

Cause of Death: Mortification of the lungs

Medical Information: The death or decay of one part of the body while the rest is alive; gangrene.  It appeareth in the gangrene or mortification of the flesh.

Burial: 20 August 1880, Melbourne Cemetery , Victoria

Occupation: Labourer    


    i.  CATHERINE4 SIMPSON, b. 1828, Hobart , Tasmania ; d. 27 August 1921, John Harding's Home (her grandson), Ross ,Tasmania .    

Children of Catherine Porter and Thomas Blackhall

   ii.  ELIZA4 BLACKHALL, b. 1 January 1835, New Norfolk , Tasmania ; d. 1 December 1903.

  iii.  THOMAS BLACKHALL, b. 1 May 1839, New Norfolk, Tasmania; d. Aft. 1900.  

  iv.  WILLIAM BLACKHALL, b. 6 May 1841, New Norfolk , Tasmania ; d. 9 January 1881, Huon Island , Tasmania .

 v.  SAMUEL BLACKHALL, b. 21 August 1842, New Norfolk , Tasmania ; d. 1 December 1905, Hobart , Tasmania .

vi.  RICHARD BLACKHALL, b. 28 June 1850, Kangaroo Point, Tasmania41; d. 15 April 1852, Macquarie Street , Hobart ,









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Gravesites Of Tasmania, Honouring the past, building understanding.

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