Gravesites Of Tasmania



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Son of Richard Foster and Rachel Witty

Brother to Mary Foster, 2nd wife of John Hallam

 Born 20th August 1856 at Goodmanham near Market Weighton Yorkshire England and emigrated to Australia on the “ Chimborazo ”August 1879

Taken from Who’s Who in Australia

“Farmer and pronounced Gladstonian who fought against church titles and English game laws, ed. Prospect House, Tockwith Yorkshire.

MP in South Australia for Newcastle, S.A. 1893-1902 and for Flinders 1902-1906 “a Liberal”, Commissioner for Public Works and Minister of Agriculture, March to July 1905, elected to the House of Representatives (Australia) for Wakefield S.A 31st August 1909, in succession to Sir Frederick Holder – sat until 1928, Federal Minister for Works and Railways December 1921-23.

 Is a general merchant and largely interested in Agricultural pursuits.  Was Mayor of Quorn for three years and a Governor of the Public Library, Art Gallery and museum for several years.”

Married Miss Lees of Quorn and succeeded his father in law in business, but unfortunately the local shops had been gradually disappearing across the State for years with family owned shops struggling to compete with supermarkets and service stations and the R.W. Foster’s Great Northern Emporium which had serviced much of the northern area of South Australia was forced to close its doors 30 July 2004  after 150 years of service.

He died 5th January 1932









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Gravesites Of Tasmania, Honouring the past, building understanding.

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