Gravesites Of Tasmania



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Thankyou from Gravesites of Tasmania in advance.


Surname Given Names   Surname Given Names  
Barber Richard Walter Hobart Knight Charles Tizard Hobart
Barnett Lawrence Wendover Franklin  Lindsay William Alexander Hobart
Beauchamp Robert Ephraine Proctor Wynyard McConnell David Ishawood Ouse
Bell Clement Wingfield Launceston McDonald Frank Ulverstone
Bessell Clarence Alfred Bellerive McKinley Patrick Francis West Geelong
Biggs Leonard Walter Scottsdale  McNally James  Launceston
Biggs Reginald Allen Scottsdale  Mirrless William McKenzie Hobart
Brown Sydney Ivan New Norfolk Patton James Arthur Hobart
Burns John Alexander Launceston Pearce Ronald Heath Lindisfarne
Carroll Leslie Hobart Richards Herbert James Campbell Town
Cawthen John Alfred Perth Rivett-Carnac Charles Walter Launceston
Clark James Purcell New Town Saunders David William Hobart
Clark Wendell Inglis Glenorchy Scott James Launceston
Collis Alfred James Blackbrush Selwyn Tom Hobart
Collis Charles William Blackbrush Shepperd Harry Edmund Hobart
Culton William James Rupanyup Vic Slade Roland James Oatlands
Daly Sydney William Hobart Smith John King Island
Dobson Cains Arthur Prospect Taylor Stanley Gordon Ararat Vic
Drew John Hobart Tolson Tasman Eyre Launceston
Emms Henry Joseph Launceston Totham Royden Hobart
Feltham Alexander Arthur Samuel Hobart Viney Louis Gordon Fingal
Fisher Henry George Hobart Waldon Ernest Invermay
Forslund Frederick East Devonport Walker Leslie John Devonport
Gard Joseph Henry Maryvale, Qld Williams Arthur Lewis St Helens
Graham Garnet Gordon Launceston Williams John Joseph North Hobart
Hansen Harry Hobart Williams Richard Walter Port Cygnet
Hawkins Albert Cygnet Wilson John Reed Hobart
Hoggett Cyril John Hobart Woolcock Bertie Francis Waratah
Jackson Bert James Hobart Young Adolphus Henry Launceston
Jordon Horace Wilmot Longford Young Gordon Maxwell Launceston














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Gravesites Of Tasmania, Honouring the past, building understanding.

Copyright © 2011 Graves of TasmaniaGravesites Of Tasmania