Gravesites Of Tasmania



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Arrived aboard the "Cabotia" as a free man on the 26th Deember 1834.

The "Cabotia" left England on the 8th Sep 1834 carrying general goods and 23 passengers.

 According to the Municipal Assessment rolls, Edward lived on four acres of land which was part of the property by the name of "La Belle Alliance" at


La Belle Alliance is the name of an inn which became  Napoleon Bonaparte's Headquarters for the Battle of Waterloo.

The Duke of Wellington and Blücher met there some around 21:00 hours 18 June 1815 signifying that the battle was won,  Blücher suggested calling the battle "La Belle Alliance", however Wellington insisted on the Battle of Waterloo.

In 1862 we find thatr he had a home and 5 acres at Bellerive but by 1868 he was back at Cambridge on land owned by George Bignell.  He is mentioned at this address right up until 1873.  In 1874 he is living on 30 acres with a cottage belonging to Charles McRorie.

 On the 1st April 1844 Edward Campbell married Ann Hanslow, daughter of Benjamin Hanslow and Elizabeth Ann Belbin.  The marriage produced 10 children.

Edward died 12th June 1876 from cancer at Cambridge , Tasmania .  His will left everything to his wife as sole beneficiary.







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Gravesites Of Tasmania, Honouring the past, building understanding.

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