Gravesites Of Tasmania



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Alfred Arthur Palmer was born 1819 in Yeouil the son of Edmund and Anne Palmer.

He married Elizabeth Wilkinson in Hamdon England .

 Alfred was a Private with the 51st Regiment and arrived in VDL with his wife Elizabeth on the convict ship "Mandarin" which arrived in the colony 30 June 1840.  In 1843 he was discharged from the Army with a payment of 20 pounds.  Alfred farmed at Brown's River North West Bay and Ralphs Bay .  In 1854 Alfred, Elizabeth and their family emigrated to New Zealand .  They settled at Kamo in the North Island .  After living there for nine years the family returned to Tasmania to live in 1863.  They settled at Tunnack.

 Alfred died at Tunnack 29th September 1884









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Gravesites Of Tasmania, Honouring the past, building understanding.

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