Gravesites Of Tasmania


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William Fowler Wathen, husband to two of the Waddle daughters, came to Tasmania about 1840 a government appointed tutor and instructor on a convict ship. He was born on 16th July 1823 at Wotten -under-Edge, Gloustershire, near Dursley, about half way from Glouster to Bristol .  

On arrival he was appointed to be officer in charge of the first government school in the south, followed by a move to the Elizabeth street school in Launceston, where he remained 22 years as head teacher. He retired after 30 years service, and entered civic affairs, standing for candidate in the municipal elections until finally successful. He was progressive in his policies, advocating the introduction of the ward system for elections. However he found himself consistently a minority of one, and retired at the next ballot. He was a founder of the Launceston Mechanics' Institute, holding the position of secretary for 52 years.  

He died in Launceston and was buried Cypress Street Cemetery , Launceston











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Gravesites Of Tasmania, Honouring the past, building understanding.

Copyright © 2011 Graves of TasmaniaGravesites Of Tasmania