Gravesites Of Tasmania



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Son of William James Garland and Ann (nee Cruse) Garland

Service Australian Army
Date of Birth 1 June 1906
Place of Birth Derwent Parl Tas
Date of Enlistment 28 March 1940
Locality on Enlistment City
Place of Enlistment Hawthorn Vic
Next of Kin Garland Mary
Date of Discharge 10 October 1945
Posting at Discharge 2/7 Australian Infantry Battalion

 Ivan (Jack) Garland was born at Moonah in Tasmania . Moonah is a Hobart suburb about 2 miles north of the city.  His birth certificate shows that he was the first born to his parents and that his father, William James, was a 37 year old labourer, His mother is shown as 34 year old Annie Garland, formerly Cruse who had married on 7 August  

Jack served in the Royal Australian Navy as a Stoker from 19 February 1929 until 14 February 1938. As well as shore establishments he served on HMAS Australia, Albatross, Canberra and Swan. He was discharged "Unsuitable" but Navy records could not list his reason for discharge.  

His Army records indicate that he enlisted in the AIF on 28 Mar. 1940 embarked as a reinforcement  to the 2/7 Bn AIF from Melbourne on 15 Sep 1940. The 2/7th had embarked from Melbourne on 15April 1940, disembarking in Palestine on  17 May that year. He served in the Middle East and Ceylon and returned to Australia aboard the Athlone Castle , disembarking in Melbourne on 12 July 1942 He did not serve overseas again and was discharged in Melbourne on 10 October, 1945.

Jack died in Heidelberg Repat Hospital , Victoria on 29 June 1987 and had been a resident at Corpus Christi Refuge for Alcoholics for many years

He is buried in the Corpus Christi section of Yan Yean Cemetery on the northern outskirts of Melbourne .











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Gravesites Of Tasmania, Honouring the past, building understanding.

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