Gravesites Of Tasmania



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Son of Gordon George Watkins and Ethel May (nee Garland) Watkins  

Name Watkins Gordon  John
Service Australian Army
Service Number TX15062 (T15061)
Date of Birth 5 Nov 1911
Place of Birth Kempton, Tas
Date of Enlistment 26 Apr 1943
Locality on Enlistment Apsley, Tas
Place of Enlistment Kapooka, NSW
Next of Kin Watkins, Cora (aka Madge)
Date of Discharge 3 Oct 1944
Rank Sapper
Posting at Discharge 8 Aust Army Troops Coy Rae
WW2 Honours and Gallantry None
Prisoner of War No

Enlisted for service at Bothwell Tasmania and sent to Kapooka.  Was dark haired with blue eyes, 31 years of age and had a left empyeme scar and an appendix scar.  After basic training was transferred to the Bomb Disposal Unit.  Before signing up his occupation was listed as Painter.  He served for a total of 887 days which included 297 days overseas

Whilst serving in New Guinea he suffered dermititis of the left leg and was evacuated by Australian hospital ship arriving in Townsville 3rd. May 1944.  He was discharged from the hospital in Townsville but on arriving in Sydney was re-admitted to hospital there.  After discharge from hospital there he returned to Tasmania .

From his extensive records he never really settled to Army life, various charges for being absent without leave and a lot of leave was taken without pay, sometimes weeks at a time.

He was eventually discharged from the Army at Brighton on the 3rd. October 1944.









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Gravesites Of Tasmania, Honouring the past, building understanding.

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