Gravesites Of Tasmania



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Convict No. 90546 Departure Port : Dublin
Conduct Record: Con 41/35 Departure Date 8th June 1852
Indent Con 15/7 Ship Name: “Martin Luther”
Description List Con 19/10 Arrival Date 1.09.1852

Convicted in Ireland for stealing a cow she was assigned to Mr. John Gillon a respected stonemason and owner of a quarry for some years before she married George Marks a free man on the 9th September 1856 (Permission to Marry Con 52/7 Page 297)

Over the next six years three sons are born to them- Henry 1857, William 1857 and George 1862.

The family eventually moves to Goose Island , a tiny island in Bass Strait to the north of the Tasmanian Coast and to the west of Flinders Island , where they lived from 1865 until 1871 when her husband died.  He is actually buried in the tiny churchyard on Goose Island and his death registered at George Town .  After his death she and the boys moved back to Hobart .

Mary died 1906 and was buried in the Roman Catholic section at Cornelian Bay.

Information submitted by Andrea Marks  












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Gravesites Of Tasmania, Honouring the past, building understanding.

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